Zero-config GraphQL tooling for VS Code.
Litho for VS Code comes with a fault-tolerant parser, intelligent autocomplete and all the tools that you need to write effective GraphQL.
Download v1.1.0
Example.graphql – Litho for VS Code
Why use Litho?
With incremental compilation and full spec-compliance, Litho is the fastest and most extensive VS Code extension for GraphQL.
Intelligent Auto-Complete
Litho provides context-aware, detailed completions that will help you write GraphQL type-systems, queries, and mutations in no time.
Incremental Compilation
Litho is written in Rust and uses incremental compilation to minimize our CPU and memory footprint on your machine and to give accurate code assistance in single-digit milliseconds.
Litho automatically indexes all GraphQL files it can find in your workspace and starts providing intelligent assistance in a fraction of a second.
Litho for Frontend Developers
Litho automatically imports your existing schema to provide auto-complete, documentation and type checking for your queries.
Auto-Import Remote Schemas
Litho can import schemas from remote URLs and automatically refresh them to integrate the latest changes.
Litho parses all of your existing Markdown-formatted GraphQL documentation and shows it in a neat tooltip alongside type inference information whenever you hover over a symbol.
Transitive Type Checking
Litho transitively checks fragment definitions for missing variable definitions, type mismatches in variable usages, and unmergeable selection sets.
Litho for Backend Developers
Litho automatically completes, checks and fixes your schema while you're typing.
Fault-Tolerant Parsing
Litho can automatically diagnose and correct syntax errors, and continue to give accurate code completions, bringing you the best GraphQL development experience on the market.
Spec Compliant
Litho implements the full 2021 GraphQL spec, catching more than 120 different types of hard-to-find bugs before your code hits production.
Code Actions
Coming Soon
Litho automatically suggests potential fixes to common problems such as missing fields, variables, or arguments.
Coming Soon
We are continuously working to make Litho the best extension for GraphQL. This is what we're working on now.
Coming Soon
Litho indexes your entire schema and provides CodeLens functionality that lets you easily track down type usage and fragment includes.
Built-in Linter
Coming Soon
Litho warns early about potential issues with your schema, such as unusued types, duplicate selections, or ambiguous formatting.
Semantic Syntax Highlighting
Coming Soon
Litho uses its language server to provide context-aware syntax highlighting, assigning different colors to identical tokens based on semantic contextual differences.